Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good News / Bad News

The good news is that Maude has FINALLY started laying eggs. The bad news is - THEY'RE NOT COLORED! They're brown. Boring brown. I had no idea an Easter Egger could even lay brown eggs. Now, I know I've been whining about her lack of laying, so I should just be thankful, but I was so looking forward to some nicely colored eggs. :(


  1. The problem with Easter Eggers is that they are mix breeds. Some may look like Ameraucanas, but you can still get a brown egger out of them.


  2. Sorry bout the brown eggs. Maybe you should order some more easter eggers! :)

  3. Oh, boo! My first chick to hatch in my barn had a Cuckoo Marans father and an Ameraucana mother. Her eggs are kind of olive green -- green shell with a brown overlay. Maybe Maude's eggs are a different brown than the others?

  4. I wish, Johanna. :( They're just smaller. Now I'm dubious about ordering more Easter Eggers. Maude's not as friendly as the others, it took her forever to lay and she's even giving me Easter eggs!

  5. If you want the green/blue eggs, order Ameraucanas ~ not Easter Eggers. The Ameraucanas WILL give you the pretty colored eggs every time.

    I have one Easter Egger that looks just like a purebred Ameraucana but her eggs are tan ~ she's clearly not a purebred. My purebreds always lay the most beautiful blue or greenish blue eggs.

    Good luck!

  6. I have two Easter Eggers and they are both laying green eggs. I got two because I knew there was a chance for brown too. Claire is a total sweetheart, jumps on my lap, follows me around. Juliet is a bit more skittish and also late in the game when it came to laying. When it comes to animals you just can't predict and they all have their own personalities. Both easter eggers laid smaller eggs compared to the Australorp (brown eggs) but they're catching -- they're getting bigger. I feel kinda bad for Maude -- she's finally giving you lovely eggs!

  7. Good to know about the Easter Egger vs. Ameraucana and their propensity for colored eggs!

  8. Well I'm two for two so on the Easter Eggers so I guess it depends on who ya ask!
