Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Line at the Ladies' Room

Looking out the back door the other day, I witnessed a line up at the door to the Eglu! It seemed all the ladies had to lay an egg at the same time. :) Maude was in the nesting box and Wanda and Lottie were waiting their turn outside. Eventually everyone got their time in the nesting box and we got three eggs that day.


  1. Your girls are very polite! This is what mine do: http://www.busysolitudefarm.com/2010/07/chicken-clown-car.html . It's a zoo in the coop!

  2. That's funny! Apparently mine like to have privacy.

  3. My hens aren't much on waiting, either. Often I find 2 hens in a nest box at once. If a third wants in someone is getting pushed out!

  4. We have twelve nesting boxes and keep fresh hay in each, yet our hens will stand in line for whichever nest is occupied. It drives me crazy to see the other nest boxes standing vacant. Perhaps they are building a clutch of eggs in case one hen gets broody.

  5. I love chicken blogs! I just got my first pullets (also in LA - where are you?!) and have started keeping track of them as well: http://themidnightgardener.wordpress.com/

  6. Hi Midnight Gardener! I'm in West LA. We've also just ventured into an ambitious gardening project - updates coming shortly. :)

    Good luck with your chicks! They are adorable.
